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Grace Baptist Church
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We are a Southern Baptist Church that has been in our community for over 50 years.

A lot has changed in our society during that time, but one thing that has not changed at Grace is the consistent, vibrant, down-to-earth preaching and teaching of the Bible, God's holy, infallible Word. Thank you again for visiting us. May God bless and keep you in His care as you live your life for Him.


Grace Baptist Church est à l'adresse suivante:

5785 Mulberry Ave

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(219) 762-2663

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Que s'est-il passé à Grace Baptist Church récemment? Ici vous pouvez voir les nouvelles pertinentes:


ATTENTION LADIES! This Saturday morning at 9am please join us for a light breakfast! We will be discussing women’s ministry opportunities and we need your ideas! Please contact the office, Tammy, or Rhonda if you have any questions, thank you!


Today is graduation Sunday! We congratulate our High School seniors: Corey Markos, Faith Lloyd, and Ewan Donovan. And... we congratulate our two Pre-K: Raelynn Greer and Isabel Halloran. All of our graduates worked hard to achieve this milestone event in their lives. But we all know graduation is not the end ... it's the beginning of their future. These young people will continue to grow into adulthood. They will seek further education, a career, a spouse. Along the way, they will experience great accomplishments, and they will experience challenges and some heartaches of life. All in all, no matter what may come their way, we must encourage them to "stay the course." My advice to our graduates is to stay grounded in the Lord. Continue to study and read God's Word. Keep all the Biblical and foundational truths that you've learned over the years tucked in your heart. Know and believe these truths. The world is an evil place ... and it's only going to get worse. Satan wants to destroy you and your walk with God. Don't make it easy for him. Be aware. Heed the warnings. Flee from Satan's presence. Be a disciple of Jesus. Be an example of a bold, courageous, on-fire Christian! Church, let us commit to pray for and encourage this year's graduates. May we stand by them and support them and lead them to be solid disciples of Christ and future church leaders!


From the Pastor's Desk: Happy Father's Day men! For me, the greatest privilege and honor I have is to be a "dad" and "papaw." Fatherhood truly is a blessing from God. But with that blessing comes a great amount of responsibility. I am convinced that one of the major reasons our society is out of control is because dads have neglected their responsibility to be a dad! God's design ... which goes all the way back to Genesis 1 is for the man to lead his family. This thought was so important to God that He even established a "law" specifically directed to dads, found in Deuteronomy 6. This passage is known as the "Shema." Dad ... we are to teach our children God's Word and His ways! We are to teach our children how to act, how to behave, how to talk, and how to live in a Christ-like manner. Our children should see Christ in all that we do. This is God's command to us! This is our responsibility! This is our mission field! Today, I am calling on all the fathers and grandfathers and men of GBC to be like Philip. He was a faithful man; he was an obedient man; he was a respected man. On this Father's Day, let us all renew our commitment to God, our families, and our children ... to lead them as Godly men! Pastor Randy


From the Pastor's Desk: This morning Jean and I are worshipping the Lord with my mother at her church, Dunmor Baptist Church, in Kentucky. We thank the Lord (and you) for this opportunity to visit Mammaw and spend some time with her. This afternoon I will head to Birmingham, Alabama to attend the Southern Baptist National Convention and Annual Meeting. Please be in much prayer for our denomination. Christianity and Southern Baptists are under severe attack from the Progressive Christianity / Counter-Cultural Christianity Movement. At issue is basic, fundamental, sound doctrinal, core foundational Biblical beliefs that we have held firm on for centuries. Our enemy, Satan, is doing all he can to destroy us, churches, and God's people. So, pray for our Convention; pray for its leaders; pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ and for their churches. Pray that we would remain grounded and steadfast in the Truth of God's Word. As I am away, Brother Frank Bewley will be preaching today. Brother Frank is a dear friend, and he has preached here in my absence many times. I am confident that God will use him this morning to bring a message that will bless your heart. All of you are in our hearts and our prayers ... see you next Sunday! Pastor Randy


From the Pastor's Desk: School is finally out ... and the weather is finally getting warmer and more "summer-like." Some say, "Yeah ... summer is here!" And yet according to the calendar summer does not officially arrive for 19 more days. It goes to show that not everything is as it appears to be. Our society has entered into what I believe is a dangerous territory. Many people today claim to be Christians. In fact, many of those same people who want to claim Christianity are living "un-Christian lives." They give little to no thought on the true meaning of the word, "Christian." They give little to no thought on the teachings of Jesus or God's Word. And they give little to no thought on how they should be living their lives as a "Christian example." Instead, they are embracing the concept of "Progressive Christianity" or "Counter-cultural Christianity" meaning: it is okay, yes even acceptable to call yourself a Christian and live your life as you desire, giving no thought to what the Word of God says. As I said, I believe this is very dangerous territory. Jesus never used the word "Christian" to identify His followers. He referred to them as His "disciples." And throughout the Gospel's, Jesus clearly set the standard, wrote the rules, taught with authority, and clearly defined just what a disciple was. His followers did not and were not able to do as they pleased. Instead, as genuine disciples, their lives were all about praising Jesus, not themselves. May each of us know how Jesus defined his disciples and may be willing to follow Him. This morning ask yourself, "Am I a Christian? Am I a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ?" Pastor Randy


From the Pastor's Desk: Every year our country celebrates the Memorial Day holiday. It is a day set aside to remember the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice ... the loss of their lives ... fighting for, and defending our country in time of war. Truth be told, they were not only defending our country, but they were defending the freedoms that we so richly enjoy. They were fighting and giving their lives so others ... for generations to come ... could enjoy our way of life. They gave their lives for people they didn't even know. For that, we are forever grateful! At the same time, over the past 2,000 years, millions of Christians have been persecuted and killed for their faith in Jesus Christ. They gave their lives for the cause of the Gospel. They gave their lives so others ... for generations to come ... could know about Jesus whom they died for. When you think about it, today we have access to Jesus, we have access to the Gospel, we have access to salvation and Heaven because of Jesus and all of those brave, courageous men and women Christians who gave their lives for Christ. For that, we are forever grateful! Let us never forget about SSgt Ron Richerson and Seaman Jeff Brown who gave their lives for our country and our church. Pastor Randy


From the Pastor's Desk: Have you ever just stopped long enough, stepped back, and noticed just how hostile the world has become? People are agitated in every sphere of life: schools, workplaces, governments, politics, sports, Hollywood, all types of media, families, and even churches. Just last week, the governor of Alabama signed a new anti-abortion law. Instead of praises and cheers, the loudest response came from Hollywood who said, "we're coming for you!" It was a vicious and ugly remark. Anything that is done in accordance with God and His ways (such as the sanctity of life) is frowned upon. This morning we are presenting and recognizing our youth. But, I ask you to stop ... step back ... and realize the very challenges they face ... it's tough. Their schools are battlegrounds. They are bombarded daily with anti-God, anti-Bible agendas. Oftentimes they are walking silently as Christians for fear of persecution. Yet in all of that, God is providently at work in their lives. For one thing, they come to our church! For another, they come to Wednesday "Youth Night." For another, they want to seek God and develop their walk with Him. One such way of growing in their walk with God is by going to "Youth Camp" at Highland Lakes Baptist Camp. Our camp has often been referred to as "Holy Ground." It is a place where God's presence is felt and heard. It is a place where our students can experience God in a deeper way. And who knows ... "for such a time as this" maybe God is raising up the next preacher, missionary, Sunday School teacher, musician, or pastor's wife from our very own students. Our youth are planning a trip to Highland Lakes in June. I encourage you to invest in their lives. Invest in the next generation. Invest in the Kingdom of God through our young people. Let's do our part to restore the world through their lives. Pastor Randy


From the Pastor's Desk: Happy Mother's Day to all our wonderful, godly mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers here at Grace Baptist Church! You are all such beautiful women ... made in the image of God ... and are being used by Him in multitudes of ways. Your service to God and to your families and to your church are truly appreciated. All of us are truly blessed because of you! Moms, have you ever wondered why you are here? Have you ever wondered why you have the children and families that you do? Have you ever wondered why you live in this present age and not centuries ago or centuries in the future? Have you ever wondered what God's purpose is for your life? Can I give you a very simple answer? ... "for such a time as this." God, in all His wisdom and knowledge, gave you a purpose and orchestrated your life to be exactly where you are right now. Yes, you've perhaps made some choices and decisions outside of God's plan for you, but His providence keeps you in His watch care and guides you back in line with His perfect plan. He has blessed you with families to nurture, teach, and love. He has equipped and gifted you to accomplish what He has called to you to do. He desires and expects you to teach your family about him, about His word, and about His ways. He has called you to these tasks, "for such a time as this." Mom, today you celebrate your day, take a moment and thank God for placing you exactly where He wanted you to be. Thank God for His divine blessings of children and families. And in so doing, continue to be the best mom that you know how to be! Happy Mother's Day!! Pastor Randy


FILL A BAG $1 until 2pm!! 5785 Mulberry Ave


SALE UNTIL 2pm! 5792 Mulberry Ave. WWJD: come to our sale! “she is clothed in dignity & strength”...but also our $2 blouses! Buy a lamp->let Jesus be the LIGHT of your life


CHURCH-WIDE GARAGE SALE 5785 Mulberry Ave Grace Baptist Church TOMORROW! Saturday May 11th 8am-2pm All must go! Make an offer! Items from many different families, lots of stuff! Come find your treasure!


CHURCH-WIDE GARAGE SALE 5785 Mulberry Ave Grace Baptist Church Saturday May 11th 8am-2pm All must go! Make an offer! Items from many different families, lots of stuff! Come find your treasure!


From the Pastor's Desk: At the beginning of this year, we started offering discipleship classes. I asked people to commit to participating and completing this fourteen-week course of classes. I asked people to commit 21 hours of their life ... less than one day, to the instruction of the Lord. I was convinced that by making this commitment, God would richly bless you. During the past four months, fifty-one of you have been involved in this endeavor! Today we recognize 14 who have finished the course (without missing a class) and are "graduating with honors!" In addition, in the next few weeks, many more will be completing missed classes and will also be graduating. Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28 to "make disciples." Jesus did not call us to be "Christians;" rather, He called us to be "disciples." I am so blessed to be a part of a church that is obeying Jesus and making disciples. I am so thrilled to see so many of you on the journey of discipleship. But let me also encourage others ... the program is not over! Let me encourage you to begin "discipleship" and see what God will do for you. Today and every day let us make the commitment to Christ to be His genuine disciples. Pastor Randy


From the Pastor's Desk: Praise the Lord! Last week's drama was God-honoring, God-glorifying, God-uplifting, and very, very encouraging. The Gospel message of the love of God and the person of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord were truly depicted. I pray that you were blessed as the Lord ministered to you last week. Thank you to the entire drama team for your willingness to be used by God to serve Him in the Easter Drama! I am quite certain your reward awaits you in Heaven. Even though "Easter" is over, it really is not "over." Yes, Jesus arose from the dead. Yes, He walked out of His tomb. Yes, we at GBC had a wonderful Easter celebration. But, because He lives, His resurrection affects our future and our present days. Because Jesus lives, our resurrection will also occur. It will be on that day when believers who have passed away and living believers will be raptured from the earth and "caught up" to meet Jesus in the air! And let me remind you, it could happen at any moment! What a day that will be when we see Jesus face to face. In the meantime, because Jesus is alive, I can face each day with strength and encouragement knowing I can worship and serve a "living Lord!" With the power of the Holy Spirit ... and the power of the Resurrection ... I can face uncertain days because he lives! Pastor Randy


From the Pastor's Desk: Over the history of mankind, there has been a lot of great and monumental discoveries and events ... the discovery of using fire as a useful tool, the invention of the wheel, the printing press, the automobile, the airplane, the penicillin, and landing on the moon. As great as these accomplishments have been, nothing compares to the greatest event of all history ... the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead!! Yes, Jesus arose! Yes, He is alive! Yes, it is true! For over two thousand years now, man continues to proclaim Jesus' resurrection. Although many have said it didn't happen. Although many have done their best to disprove it, and although many have scoffed at it and continue to ridicule those who do believe in it, the story of Jesus continues to be told and believed. If it did not happen, it would not continue to be told for over two thousand years. If it did not happen, people would no longer believe in it ... they would have stopped believing centuries ago. But it did happen. And the hearts and lives of daily men and women, teenagers, and boys and girls are being changed daily. All of these other notable events that have taken place throughout history are great ... but none of them have the power to change and transform lives like the resurrection of Jesus. Today I pray that you have accepted and believe in His resurrection. I pray that you have received Jesus in your heart and life. I pray that his resurrection has changed your life for now and all eternity. Pastor Randy


From the Pastor's Desk: Wow!! Thank you so much for the surprise birthday party last Sunday!! I was totally surprised! I've got to hand it to you all ... you pulled one over on me. You kept the secret very well. I've said it before and I will say it again ... GBC is the greatest church ever ... and you are the greatest church family a pastor could ever hope for! Truly I am blessed and privileged to be serving the Lord here at GBC. We are now into the "Easter Season" ... my favorite time of the year. Easter is not just a holiday ... it is the celebration of our Jesus rising from the dead! Him dying on that cross is so important because by doing so, He became the Supreme Sacrifice so our sins could be forgiven. When he was crucified, and then died on the cross, Jesus conquered sin. But when he rose from the dead, He conquered death! But over the years, a lot has been said about who killed Jesus. Was it the Jews? The Gentiles? Pilate? The Pharisees? The truth is ... we all killed Jesus. He died for all the sins of mankind. But He did so willingly. If that isn't love, then I don't know what is. Have you experienced Jesus' love? Have you received Him as your Lord and Savior? Will you be in Heaven with Him for all eternity? If not, make this "Easter Season" the time you come to Christ. Pastor Randy


Today, many people are asking, "What is wrong with our world?" The newspapers, tv, and the internet are filled with stories of murder, rape, hate, lust, bombings, racial hatred, and war. We are a world that has spun out of control. And many more are now asking, "Can we solve these problems?" "Is there an answer somewhere?" Many people, if they would stop long enough and be honest, and look deep inside themselves, would find emptiness, frustration, lostness, and tension regarding the perilous times we are living in. On the one hand, we have everything to make our society and culture happy. We have everything to make it secure and peaceful. But the truth of the matter is, we don't have security. We don't have peace. And we certainly do not have happiness. We think that if people are educated and have a good job, if they have financial security, then they will be happy. We think this is the end of all hopes and dreams. We think that utopia will come if we can live and be a certain way. But the truth is we have been disillusioned. We can only have peace and happiness when we have a genuine relationship with God. The Bible teaches that God is a God of mercy, and grace and love. He is a God of forgiveness and He wants to have a relationship with you. Pastor Randy


Hello from Colorado! Jean and I decided to use some vacation time this week to celebrate my 60th birthday in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. We will be joined by our daughter and her family mid-week. We love GBC and our church family and we thank you for allowing us to be away this week. Please welcome Brother Wes Rankin, our Association Director, who will be preaching in my absence. He and his wife, Paula, have been serving in our area just over three years. Brother Wes has served as a pastor and as an International Missionary. He and his wife have spent much of their lifetime in ministry. They truly have a heart for Jesus, for His Church, for God's people, and for the lost. I know you will be blessed as he preaches God's Word today. Keep us in your prayers as we pray for you. We will see you next Sunday. Pastor Randy


Ici vous pouvez trouver des photos de Grace Baptist Church:


Ici vous pouvez trouver des vidéos de Grace Baptist Church:

Sunday Morning Service 1/14/2018

Sunday Morning Service 11/26/17

Sunday Morning Service 11-5-2017

Sunday Morning 10/29/2017

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning 10/15/2017

Sunday Morning Service 10/8/2017

Sunday Morning Service 9-24-17

Sunday morning service 9-17-17

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